The following terms and conditions of use apply to your use of Channel Islands Property Fund Limited's website (the "Website"). By accessing the Website you agree to comply with, and be bound by, the terms and conditions of use and acknowledge that the Channel Islands Property Fund Limited and Ravenscroft Specialist Fund Management Limited may rely upon your agreement.


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Information on the website

The information contained within the Website was prepared and issued by Ravenscroft Specialist Fund Management Limited (“Ravenscroft”) as investment manager to Channel Islands Property Fund Limited (“CIPF”) and is provided solely for reference purposes.

Nothing on this Website is intended to be construed as an offer, invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity, or investment advice or recommendation, in relation to the shares of CIPF, and should not be relied upon as such. The investments and investment services referred to on this Website may not be suitable for all investors. Prospective investors should take advice from their financial or other professional advisers before making any investment decision.

The information contained within the Website is intended to be used only by persons in the UK and the Channel Islands and is designed solely for Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties (as defined under the rules of the relevant jurisdiction). If you are not a Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty, you should not proceed any further. The content of this Website should not be looked at or distributed to Retail Clients (as defined under the rules of the relevant jurisdiction). Nothing on the Website is directed at any person in any jurisdiction where the publication or availability of such information is prohibited or restricted, or where such distribution, access or use would subject CIPF or Ravenscroft to any registration or licensing requirements within such jurisdiction. In particular nothing on the Website constitutes an offer or solicitation to any person to purchase or subscribe for securities in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of South Africa, New Zealand or in any jurisdiction in which such offers or sales are unlawful. By proceeding to access this information, users are deemed to have represented and warranted that they are located in the UK or the Channel Islands and that the applicable laws and regulations of their relevant jurisdiction allow them to do so. No information contained on this Website constitutes or would be deemed to constitute an invitation in any jurisdiction to invest or otherwise deal in the shares of the CIPF. This Website contains information that constitutes:

1. a promotion as referred to in the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020,

2. an advertisement as referred to in the Financial Services (Advertising) (Jersey) Order 2008; and

3. a financial promotion pursuant to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

Ravenscroft is licensed and regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission to conduct controlled investment business. Shares in CIPF may only be promoted in Guernsey by persons regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as licensees under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020. Shares in CIPF may only be promoted in Jersey by persons who are duly regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission as registered persons under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 or persons who are exempt from such a requirement under Jersey law. Access to this Website in the United Kingdom is restricted only to persons who are of a kind to whom CIPF may lawfully be promoted under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the “Financial Promotion Order”).

This Website is exempt from the restriction on financial promotions in s.21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 on the grounds that it is being directed only at persons who fall within the categories of persons set out in the Financial Promotion Order, being persons (i) who have professional experience in matters relating to investments and are “Investment Professionals” falling within the definition set out in article 19(5) of the Financial Promotion Order, (ii) who are high net worth entities falling within article 49(2) (a) to (d) of the Financial Promotion Order, or (iii) to whom it may otherwise lawfully be distributed, all such persons being referred to as “Relevant Persons”. This Website must not be acted on or relied on in the United Kingdom by persons who are not Relevant Persons. By accessing this Website, you agree to be bound by the limitations and restrictions set out above.

No Investment Advice

An investment in CIPF is only suitable for investors who have been professionally advised with regard to investment, or other financially sophisticated investors who are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such an investment, and who have sufficient resources to be able to bear any losses that may arise therefrom (which may be equal to the whole amount invested). The information on the Website does not take account of the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any particular person and is not general advice to any class of persons. Before making any investment decision on the basis of the information or otherwise, investors should consider with the assistance of a financial and/or taxation adviser whether the information is appropriate in light of their particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.

Risk factors

All investment is subject to risk. In particular, the investment performance of CIPF and value of shares (and any income from them) may fall as well as rise; and investors may not get back, on redemption or otherwise the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance, and indications of past performance displayed on the Website will not necessarily be repeated in the future.

An investment should be seen as complementary to existing investments in a wide spread of other financial assets and should not form a major part of an investment portfolio. Investors should not consider investing in CIPF unless they already have a diversified investment portfolio. Investment in CIPF should be regarded as long-term in nature. There can be no assurance that an active trading market in CIPF’s shares will develop and be sustained and, if no such market is developed, the price and liquidity of CIPF’s shares will be adversely affected.

Please see CIPF's listing document for a full list of risk warnings as at the date of that listing document. Commercial property values are affected by such factors such as the level of interest rates, economic growth, fluctuation in property yields and tenant default. Although CIPF will be operated so as to minimise such risks, it is possible that an investor will not get back a part of, or any of, his investment in CIPF. There can be no assurance that CIPF will achieve its investment objective, as set out in its listing document.

Prospective investors should inform themselves of any tax consequences particular to their circumstances arising in the jurisdiction in which they are resident or domiciled for tax purposes in connection with the acquisition, ownership, redemption or disposal by them of shares in CIPF. Prospective investors should also be aware that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investors in CIPF are not eligible for the payment of any compensation under the Collective Investment Schemes (Compensation of Investors) Rules 1988 made under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020.

Please be advised that this Website contains information which has been prepared by, and is issued by CIPF’s investment manager, Ravenscroft, and not by CIPF. This Website is intended to provide summary information only and should not be relied upon for the purpose of investment decisions. This Website has not been approved by CIPF or by any regulatory authority or supervisory body. In particular, the Guernsey Financial Services Commission has not reviewed this Website and does not accept any responsibility for the financial soundness or for the correctness of any of the statements made or opinions expressed on this Website.

Whilst the information displayed on the Website has been given in good faith and every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, the information may not be complete or accurate for your purposes and, to the extent permitted by applicable law and regulation, no undertaking, representation, warranty or other assurance, express or implied, is made or given by or on behalf of CIPF, or Ravenscroft, wholly or partly owned subsidiaries of Ravenscroft or any of their respective directors, officers, partners, employees, agents or advisers or any other person (each a “Ravenscroft Associated Party”) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this Website and no responsibility or liability is accepted by any of them for any such information or opinions or for any errors, omissions, misstatements, negligence or otherwise or for any other communication written or otherwise. In addition, in preparing this Website, no Ravenscroft Associated Party undertakes any obligation to up-date or to correct any inaccuracies which may become apparent in it. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, nothing in this paragraph shall exclude liability for any undertaking, representation, warranty or other assurance made fraudulently. Further, the information displayed may be amended by Ravenscroft at any time and without notice and may become outdated. Investors should verify any information or other material obtained from the Website before relying upon it.

Any decision to acquire shares in CIPF should only be made on the basis of CIPF's listing document, other relevant information (including subsequent announcements by CIPF) and appropriate investment advice.

The content of this Website is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form part of any offer or recommendation to buy, subscribe for or exchange any securities nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied on in connection with or act as any inducement to enter into any contract whatsoever. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information on this Website or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness. Potential investors are asked to consult CIPF’s listing document and their tax, financial and legal advisers prior to making any investment decision relating to the acquisition of shares in CIPF.

Exclusion of liability

Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to or does exclude, restrict or modify any condition, warranty or liability which may at any time be implied by statute or any other applicable law where to do so is illegal or would render any provision of an agreement void. Subject to the above qualification, all express or implied conditions or warranties, statutory or otherwise, in respect of the information supplied are expressly negated and excluded.


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The internet, being an open network, is not secure and should you choose to send any electronic communications by means of the Website, you do so at your own risk. Neither CIPF nor Ravenscroft can guarantee that such communications will not be intercepted or changed or that they will reach the intended recipient safely.

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The Website contains links to websites operated by third parties. Neither CIPF nor Ravenscroft are responsible for (or make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or suitability of) such information, and information on such website is not reviewed or updated by CIPF or Ravenscroft. Any use made of such information is at your own risk. Some of the information contained on the Website may, where indicated, have been provided by third parties and may not have been verified by CIPF or Ravenscroft. No representation or warranty is made or given as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or suitability of such information and CIPF and Ravenscroft hereby exclude any and all liability arising out of the provision of such third party information. Any third-party advertising, information and referral buttons containing hyperlinks are not recommendations or endorsements by CIPF or Ravenscroft or their respective directors, affiliates or employees. The user is referred to the relevant third party for all relevant information.

Privacy Policy

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These terms and conditions of use are governed by the laws of the Island of Guernsey and the courts of Guernsey will have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under them.

Acceptance of terms and conditions of use


By clicking on the "Agree" button you represent, warrant and agree that you:

(1) have read and understood the information set out above,

(2) agree to be bound by its terms,

(3) do not have a registered address in, and are not resident  or located in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of South Africa, New Zealand  or any other jurisdiction where accessing these materials is unlawful and are not a U.S. Person (as defined in Regulation S of the Securities Act),

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By entering this website I confirm that I am resident in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

The Channel Islands Property Fund

A unique investment opportunity in high quality commercial property

The fund aims to provide a total return from a combination of sustainable quarterly dividends and capital growth, through acquisition and active asset management.
About The Fund
  • Properties
  • Portfolio Value
  • NAV per share
  • Ordinary Shares in Issue
  • Gross Portfolio Yield

Property Portfolio


Channel Islands & the Isle Of Man; world renowned independent financial jurisdictions

Guernsey and Jersey are the largest Channel Islands situated just off the North West coast of France.

The Isle of Man is a self-governing British Crown Dependency in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

All three jurisdictions provide a unique commercial property market with a high demand from financial institutions.


The CIPF team

The Channel Islands Property Fund is governed and managed by a team of qualified and respected professionals.

Meet The Board & Team